Wine List

Vidal '99 Like the hardy pear blossoms, this is a dry white wine. It has a delightful fruity flavor with good sugar-acid balance and a crisp finish.

Chambourcin '99 Picture a beautiful carnation and you will see the ruby-colored wine. It is a French hybrid varietal, medium bodied, spicy, dry, and aged in oak.

Cynthiana '99
(2000 vintage to
follow soon)
Truly an American Beauty! This is a classic Missouri dry, crimson-hued wine. It is full-bodied, robust, rich in flavor,and aged in oak. This wine compliments pastas and red meats.

Chardonel '00
(2000 vintage to
follow soon)
A lovely and fragrant gardenia of a wine. A white, semi-dry blend of flavors. Very pleasant.

Vignoles '00 It's a daisy! A delightful little semi-sweet wine with good balance. This wine compliments an afternoon spent with friends on the terrace.

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